Preparing To Give Birth

What's in your birth bag?

What's in your birth bag?
When prepping for the hospital, some people tend to pack like they're moving to another country. Other people might only bring along their husbands. Either of those extremes is probably not the best idea, so, with that in mind, here are a couple of checklists you might enjoy. Take a look — there might be something we've thought of that could be useful for your big trip.

So — what do you want in your Birth Bag?

The basics: you've probably already thought of these, but...

  • Admission forms/papers
  • Baby name book
  • Camera and/or video camera
  • Film and tapes
  • Cash
  • Phone/phone card
  • Charger for your phone (don't forget this one)
  • Gift for a sibling
  • Health insurance card
  • Pregnancy/birth reference book
  • Birth plan (if you have one)

Additional items to consider for labor:

  • Birth ball
  • Facecloth from home (maybe with a distinct color or pattern, so it doesn't wind up in the hospital laundry)
  • Hot water bottle
  • Lollipops and hard candy (for dry mouth)
  • Lotion and/or powder (for massage)
  • Massage/aromatherapy oils
  • Tennis balls (for back massage)
  • Watch or stopwatch (with a second hand for timing contractions)

Additional items to consider for the comforts of home:

  • Books/magazines
  • Small cooler with drinks and snacks
  • CD/audio player
  • CDs
  • Extra pillow (maybe with a colored pillowcase, so it doesn't get into hospital laundry)

Additional items to consider for your partner:

  • Change of clothes
  • Snacks
  • Reading material

Additional items to consider for after the baby arrives:

  • Address book
  • Baby book
  • Thank you cards/notes
  • Large bag to bring home gifts and hospital supplies
  • Phone number list

Additional items to consider for clothing:

  • Bathrobe
  • Loose, comfortable outfits
  • Nightgown
  • Nursing bras
  • Nursing pads
  • Slippers
  • Thick socks
  • Underwear

Additional items to consider for personal care:

  • Barrettes/hairbands (ponytail holder)
  • Body soap
  • Brush/comb
  • Contact lens case/lens supplies
  • Dental floss
  • Deodorant
  • Earplugs
  • Eyeshade
  • Facial soap
  • Glasses
  • Lip balm/ChapStick
  • Lotion
  • Makeup/cosmetics
  • Maxi-pads
  • Mouthwash/breath mints
  • Prescription medications you're taking
  • Shampoo/conditioner
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste

Additional items to consider for the baby:

  • Approved car seat
  • Diapers for the trip home
  • Going-home outfit
  • Hat/cap
  • Receiving blankets